This was very interesting. I found Mark Da Rosa's (Chicago Cubs) blog on the post season that came up on one of my RSS feeds. Wow! Totally cool. I will be adding many more subscriptions!
it seems like a lot of professional athletes have their own websites (including a blog) these days. ben gordon has a blog on the bulls website, but it doesn't allow comments which is kind of annoying. he also has a myspace page
My brother blogs about baseball for the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. He used to cover the Minnesota Twins ("when they spit on the field, I spit on the field"). His blog is called A Fan's View from Section 220.
I work in a public library--something I've done for over half my life. But my real passion is cooking. I love to try new recipes although I'm often asked by my family to repeat favorites...(this gets rather dull.) Every weekend I try at least one new recipe--some have turned out fantastic; a couple have gone in the trash. I love watching Food Network to get new ideas and reading new cookbooks.
it seems like a lot of professional athletes have their own websites (including a blog) these days. ben gordon has a blog on the bulls website, but it doesn't allow comments which is kind of annoying. he also has a myspace page
My brother blogs about baseball for the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. He used to cover the Minnesota Twins ("when they spit on the field, I spit on the field"). His blog is called A Fan's View from Section 220.
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